We have designed Thrivival Skills for Therapists as a blended synchronous and asynchronous experience (so that there is something to appeal to both the introverts and the extroverts among us!). The 6 CE credit hours are broken down into 3 hours of live virtual meetings (2 x 90 minutes) and 3 hours of self-paced online lessons, spread out over 6 weeks, so an easy-to-digest 30 minutes each week.
We will begin the program with a 90 minute live virtual group meeting on Friday October 20, 2023 at 12 noon Central time. This meeting will be an opportunity to get oriented to the program and most importantly connect with the other participants from across the country.
Following the first group meeting, each Monday for 6 weeks participants will receive access to that week’s lesson. We will make use of a private online discussion forum for ongoing discussion of each week’s topic, importantly including opportunities for participants to support one another in the process.
We will end the program with another 90 minute live virtual group meeting on Friday December 8, 2023 at 12 noon Central time. This meeting will be an opportunity for participants to share their key takeaways and to discuss how to keep putting ourselves in our schedules moving forward.
While the self-paced online lessons can be completed at any time during your week, please ensure that the dates of the two live virtual group meetings will work for you to attend (as the live meetings will not be recorded).